If you wanna feel better about your family, just read about ours...

Starring: a dad, a mom, a son & daughter-in-law, a daughter & son-in-law, another daughter & son-in-law, 1 teen, 1 grandson, 3 granddaughters, 4 dogs, and a whole lot of love.

Family Story Pic

Family Story Pic


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

'The one where...' Wednesdays

You might have noticed I've taken a bit of a hiatus from writing. Never mind, you probably haven't noticed. Let me change that. I notice I've taken a hiatus from writing and I don't like it.

Long story short: I bought a Younique makeup starter kit in January with the intention of using Facebook Lives to compare it with drugstore makeup to prove that drugstore makeup is just as good, ended up discovering that some of the drugstore stuff I've always used wasn't even close to as good, accidentally became a Younique "Affiliate" (a wearer of their products, not to be confused with an actual seller of their products), started using my Facebook Lives to promote local women in business, began a daily regimen of collagen shots, and now my nails are so freakin' long I can barely type and it's taken me 10 minutes to type these 2 paragraphs because every time I try to type the letter O, I hit the number 9, and I haven't scheduled my manicurist to trim these monsters yet. 

Yes, that is the short version for those of you whose heads are spinning.

But seriously, I'm having fun but also miss the therapy of writing. It's not for lack of material, lest you think my family started acting all normal or anything. Crazy things happen, I have every intention of blogging it, then time gets away, then more crazy hits, and suddenly I think if I blogged all that, people are gonna get super annoyed with a 50,000 word entry and at what point is that considered a book? I tend to have long blog entries anyway, and someone once asked in a comment if I get paid per word. Let me clear something up for everyone. On this particular platform, I don't get paid anything, so every snarky descriptive word I use is like my complimentary gift to you. You're welcome.

Anyhoo. A few nights ago, I had an idea that might solve my writing rut dilemma. Beginning next week, I won't have any of my grand babies here on Tuesdays and I'm going to start devoting that day to writing, like the way it was when writing was my actual job. I need to refocus my discipline in this area and having a day set aside for it should help hold me accountable. Part of that day's writing will be a short story blog entry to post the following day. Those entries won't be an entire day's worth of crazy, but rather just one piece of crazy at a time. That should make for an easy read for you, as well as a less overwhelming writing project for me. 

You know how the Friends episodes were all titled "The one where...(fill in the blank)?" That's what I've decided to try here and see how it goes. 

So today is the official kick-off to 'The one where...' Wednesdays.

I'm excited, first and foremost because the entire purpose of this blog was to document our crazy family for our crazy family. It's so that our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids have something to look back on and remember, learn from, and laugh about someday. I don't want them to get to 2023 and be like, "So, what...the end? Did she keel over? Death by collagen shots?" 

I never imagined this blog would attract the following it has over the years and I really do appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to read it, comment your support, and especially all the times I hear "I needed this laugh today." Because that is a secondary purpose of this blog. 

I want to make you laugh. I want to lighten your day. I want to give you a few minutes of distraction from something you might be going through. I want to transparently share the stuff that goes on around here- the good, the bad, the hard, the crazy, and show you how it can all be redeemed and how most of it can (and should) be laughed about if you put the 'write' twist on it. 

That's what I'm here for.

So check back next week to read: The one where...Zac brought smelling salts into a Mexican Restaurant.

Yeah. You read that right. 

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