This was going nowhere fast and we knew we had to make the inevitable climb back up to the van so we decided to start running. By the time we got there, it was pitch dark, I couldn't breathe, had numb fingers, frozen snot across my cheek and I no longer felt guilty about the lunch I'd eaten at Golden Corral earlier in the day. As a matter of fact, my only regret was that we hadn't stayed longer, but I digress.
Nick and Aubrey were still about an hour away when Ron texted them the situation. We tried to find another route to the cabin, but there was none. That left us with one thing to do. We parked our van along the side of the road, everyone took luggage, I grabbed the food and drink bags and we started hiking to the cabin. Zac and Barbara ran ahead as fast as they could with the baby. Kearstin and Caymen were in front of me and Ron followed behind. My goal was to keep the girls within my sights, which worked fine until my feet went out from under me, I landed with a slam onto one of the food bags and slid past them as I rode a bag of potato chips down the mountain. When I spun to a sloppy stop at the bottom, Kearstin's voice broke the silence from somewhere behind me when she said, "Daaaaaaaamn."
Shut it, girlie. I saved the wine.
I. Saved. The. Wine.
We finally made it to the cabin where I poured a glass and soaked my aching bones in the jet tub
Once everyone was safely settled in, the fun and laughter that followed was everything you'd ever hope for a family's first getaway to the mountains.
Where'd we get a shovel and kitty litter, you might ask? Well, Nick and Aubrey read the warning email the cabin company sent and they packed some of the "recommended supplies."
Brilliant, I tell ya.
Trained professional / 17 year old kid with a weekend skydiving job...6 of 1, half dozen of another.
Miraculously, everyone survived our family weekend and Sunday morning we drove back up the mountain uneventfully, leaving sunny Tennessee, predicting 50 degrees that day, and headed home to our forecast calling for 6-8 inches of snow.
Seven hours later, we arrived stuck in our driveway...and for the 3rd time that weekend, carried our stuff through the snow.
But hey, nobody fell down or had to pee outside.
In this family, you recognize the silver lining...
...if you can find one.