I thanked the nice woman for helping us and she responded, "This will be something for your blog."
Oh.Crap. Someone I don't recognize, recognizes me...and for my blog. That can't be good.
To make up for his mistake, Ron took us to an amusement park the following Saturday. That went well with exception of 1 or 2 incidents. Okay, 2...
1. When Cayme wasn't quite tall enough for a ride in the children's section, Ron, who was already sitting on the ride, began pumping both his fists in the air and chanting "LET. HER. RIDE" and about a hundred people followed his lead that ended with a near riot in the Avatar line. (Almost as embarrassing as the time we didn't realize Caymen wasn't wearing underwear until she was 5 feet up in the air on the Charlie Brown flying swings.)
2. While riding on opposite ends of the Swinging Ship, Ron started making the "I'm-Watching-You" hand gesture to Kearstin. Harmless, right? Until I realized the young boy sitting next to Kearstin thought it was intended for him and he bolted from the ride crying when it was over. Ron thought chasing him down to explain was a good idea. It wasn't.
I'm pretty sure after Saturday, there's a police sketch (or 2) of Ron circulating through Kings Island.
That brings us to tonight. Trick-or-Treat Take 2. He's got the kids traipsing around the neighborhood again. This time, Kearstin''s face is completely covered with a skeleton mask and Ron has been given strict ground rules: Under no circumstance is he to make hand gestures, chant anything, chase anyone, mention my blog, or supply me with anymore entries for said blog.
In the meantime, I opted to