This weekend is all about the man.
The man who bought me a super-sized box of Captain Crunch peanut butter balls for Mother's Day.
The man who tried to kill a raccoon in our garage with a bow and arrow but shot through our refrigerator instead.
The man who tries to scare the neighbor's peacock up the road when he gets loose to "teach him a lesson."
The man who ordered the "Shocking Roulette Game" and then played it with our kids. (Our toddler "won" the first two rounds.)
The man who DJ'd the church youth dance and introduced them to such artists as Van Halen, Bon Jovi, and Def Leopard.
The man who wouldn't stop posing with his shirt pulled up beside the Girls Gone Wild tour bus at a gas station on our way to Hilton Head.
The man who would get sucked into the 90 minute time share presentation by the guy standing outside the Hilton Head Walmart if I wasn't there to lure him to the van with a package of Oreos.
The man who faithfully watches Finding Bigfoot because "you should be prepared."
The man who wears his Ohio State baseball cap everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
The man who makes fun of me for watching this season's The Bachelorette, but then asked me where Bentley was last week.
The man who hit 2 triples during our co-ed softball game last week and then accused me of arranging that with the other team as part of a "cruel fitness program."
The man who used clothes hangers, wires and the car battery to electrify the ground, thus sending fishing worms to the surface for bait. (Two worms fell for it....or just came to the surface out of morbid curiosity.)
The man who willingly pulls over to allow our toddler (or me) to relieve ourselves along the side of the highway and doesn't even roll his eyes when our toddler (or me) doesn't quite make it.
The man who knows how to have fun.
The man who has his wife and children at the top of his priority list.
The man who is slow to anger. (Unless it involves the Buckeyes or the DirectTv service tech named Roy.)
The man who baptized our daughter in the ocean at sunrise.
The man who swept me off my feet 21 years ago and hasn't put me down since.
The man who gives freely with no strings attached.
The man who loves UN-conditionally.
The man who makes me laugh (almost) every day.
The man who doesn't have a selfish bone in his body.
The man who shows me every day the kind of person I want to become.
So, here's to the man!!!
Happy Father's Day to the one we know we can trust and the one who knows how to love.
We love you.
I pray everyone has the man in their lives to celebrate this weekend. Enjoy!